Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Image result for capsicumHello. Do you know what this plant is? Well it's a capsicum, and it takes f o r e v e r to grow.
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Well as you can guess I'm doing something on a capsicum. And that's because my plant is a capsicum. Here is four things I learn't (p.s. my plant has only just sprouted) :(
One Thing I learn't about plants was photosynthesis . Photosynthesis has nothing to do with photos, it is how a plants leaves create food for itself by using sunlight, soil and water.

The second thing I learn't was that, when an animal eats a plant it later on will poop out the seeds giving them a good ferterliser and helps it grow faster.

the third thing I learn't was that plants use animals to pollinate. What happens is the plant sets a reward which a bee (for example)  will seek the reward and will be brushed with pollen. Then it flies off and gives another plant polled.

The forth thing i learnt was that some fungi have a funny looking way of reproducing.

Well thats it for this post thanks for reading and remember to come back next week.

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