Sunday, June 26, 2016

THE SPANISH DONKEY! Or Medieval week, with a bunch of brutal tortures and other stuff you don't want to hear about but I'm going to tell you anyway :)

HI AND WELCOME BACK TO MY BLOG WHICH WILL BE FILLED WITH GRUESOME MEDIEVAL STUFF THIS WEEK, SO IF YOU GET SQUEAMISH AROUND BRUTAL TORTURES LEAVE RIGHT AFTER LEAVING A COMMENT AND SPAMMING F5 A FEW TIMES, BACK TO THE POST. This week (as the extremely long title says) is medieval week and it was interesting, boring (sometimes) and disgustingly AWESOME! Learning about the medieval times was interesting, the lessons I had informed me very well on the medieval times i found it fun and boring fun learning about stuff, boring writing endless amounts of notes! I also enjoyed making my poster on Medieval torture, WITH THE ONE, THE ONLY... jl (teenage girls screaming in the background) as I said Jl and and I made a poster on medieval torture. There were many, many, many, many, many, many gruesome tortures that totally grossed me out, but I still had fun learning about all those tortures. Sadly this is all I got time for so for now. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBye! and remember don't smoke cuz it's a joke. and it can cause your nipples to fall off.
BTW poll is back in business. 

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Kapa Haka

at  SCHOOL WE HAVE BEEN DOING Kapa Haka. Personally I do not like kapa haka that much but we have to do  it. I find it really difficult to do the actions while sing the lyrics. I could improve my performance by getting better at singing while doing the actions.
Sorry for the short post I didnt know what to right.
Thanks for reading my bog this week byyyeee. 


Monday, June 6, 2016

I like to play MINECWAFT (it's a game that you plaayyy)

when the other class tries to destroy us.

HELLO EVERYBODY AND WELCOME BACK TO MY BLOG OF WISDOM! At school w have been building a medieval MINECWAFT (it's a game that you plaaayy) village[Some of you will remember that old saying]. I'm in charge of the town center, that pretty much means I build roads that connect to places and help out in other places. Most (big) things aren't actually finished *cough cough*Castle*, it's just the small things that are finished. Once the villages are fully built there will be a war, luckily I built heaps of secret under ground paths that lead to different castles. I dont if it is 100% historically accurate (yet) because the cottages don't look to "wattle and daub(y)?" I am/will keep working on/helping with the MAXIMUM SECURITY part of the prison, I will also help out where I can.
THAT'S IT FOR THIS POST, byyyeee     

wished the prison was this cool