Monday, August 29, 2016

No Money (because I'm broke) LOL!

Image result for dancingHELLO EVERYBODY AND WELCOME BACK TO MY BLOG!!!! This year we are having our production. Over the past few weeks we have learn't two dances; No Money by GALANTIS and Robin Hood (I don't know who it's by though ?)  SO far it's been really fun, I don't actually like dancing but I always really enjoy the production dancing. No Money is a really fast dance so if you aren't in time it is very hard to get back in time. Robin Hood is a bit easier but one part of the chorus is hard to stay in time with. To make sure this dance is a success everyone will have to be in time, but we have a lot of time till that happens so once the production comes everything should be perfect.

Thanks for reading my blog and i will see you next week by!Image result for 8factapp 

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