Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Term 1 has ended!

Click this link before you read this post!
This week is the last week of the term, the reason I am writing this on a Wednesday is because the task sheet said this task was optional. But! This morning Mr. McGurk said "You have to do a post." So thats why I'm writing this on a Wednesday.

My holidays are going to be fun.

I have nothing more to write about.

Have a good holiday.


See you next term!

Monday, April 4, 2016

This post has no name

Just hope this doesn't happen. 
animation animated page happy images
Me typing
HELLO EVERYBODY AND WELCOME BACK TO BLOG! School has almost ended (yeah!) So that means I have to write about three things I've learn't. Hmm three things, I should have a few more than just three. Ohh, I know. I learn't how to separate salt from sand. Boom, dis guy know science. It was actually a pretty damn simple process. What you had to do was poor (?) water into the sandy salt mixture. Then you use a coffee strainer to separate the salty water from the sand, you boil the salty water. Out comes salt (that smells like mashed potatoes!)
Just one way to explain Hillary Outdoors!

NUMBER 2. I learn't that Hillary Outdoors is one of the best places on this Earth!
Number three

THANK YOU FOR READING MY BLOG (hope you liked the sarcasm) [If you were witty you could find it out] {tell me in the comments if you managed to find the sarcasm.}